Windows Server Backup is not installed on this computer


This error is seen in the BOBcloud logs when running a bare metal \ image or system state backup.
[error] [CloudBacko.ErrorStream] [hZ] Windows Server Backup is not installed on this computer.

The Windows Server Backup application is used under the covers by our software to backup at the system level.


The Windows Server Backup might not be installed.
If it is installed, it might be that the Windows user running the backup doesn’t have permissions to use the Windows Server Backup application.


If Windows Server Backup is installed, try a manual backup.
If a manual backup works, this means the issue is being caused by the scheduler service.

The scheduler service can be found in Windows services and is named Server Services.
Check the Windows account used by that service is a domain account. We advise changing the user to the same as the logged-on user which successfully ran the manual backup.